Contraception and Preconception

Contraception & Preconception advice

This information is for those patients who have been diagnosed with prediabetes, diabetes or gestational diabetes and are of child bearing age between the ages of 15 and 54.

Contraceptive services are free and confidential in the UK and can be accessed at Southbourne Surgery, or the local family planning clinics on the link below

Tel 01903 285199

Please take of moment to access this patient information leaflet which details available types of contraception.

At Southbourne surgery we offer the progesterone only pill, combined contraception, implant fittings and removal, coil fittings and removal and the depot injection, emergency oral contraception. You initial discussion will usually be with one of the practice nurses. Please call the patient services team to arrange a routine pre bookable slot (unless you require emergency contraception due to unprotected sexual intercourse, you will need an appointment within 72 hours).

Arranging an appointment for a coil fitting or implant will be discussed in more detail at your initial consultation.

It is important that you are supported when planning pregnancy due to the complications that may arise, and can be avoided with careful advice and action. If you are hoping to fall pregnant please do make contact with the surgery to book a routine GP appointment to discuss this. If you are already pregnant please do ensure the midwifery team are aware of your diagnosis.